Low-Cost Spay and Neuter: 7 Things To Know

Most pet owners are familiar with the responsibility associated with spaying or neutering a cat or dog. Not only does the procedure prevent unwanted pregnancies and control the animal population, but it helps prevent certain health conditions later in life. 


While rescued animals often join their new families after being spayed or neutered, dogs and cats from breeders or at-home litters will still need the procedure done. And that procedure comes with a cost.


Industry estimates peg the average cost of a spay or neuter procedure between $50 and $500, which is somewhat of a wide range. However, costs associated with the procedure fluctuate based on the animal’s health, age and weight. At Dr. Kelly’s Surgical Unit, we pride ourselves on offering affordable, low-cost spay and neuter services, and even with all variables included, our procedures fall below the median industry average.


Here are a few more things to know about spay and neuter procedures.


The word “neuter” is interchangeable.

While “spay” generally refers to female sterilization and “neuter” refers to male, the term “neuter” is often used to refer to either type of procedure. 


Sterilization helps pets.

It is estimated that millions of dogs and cats are euthanized every year because they are unwanted. Sterilization helps control the animal population, avoid euthanization and improve capacities at animal shelters.


Spaying and neutering can facilitate behavior adjustments.

In general, the behaviors exhibited by cats and dogs that bother owners are adjusted or eliminated after the animal is spayed or neutered. Those behaviors are related to breeding instincts, which is why the urge to act a certain way is eliminated following a spay or neuter procedure.


The best age depends on the breed.

Smaller breeds of dogs may benefit from a spay or neuter procedure at a younger age compared to their larger counterparts. For cats, it’s usually safe to spay or neuter at or around eight weeks. And, experts suggest that the procedure be completed by the time the cat is five months of age. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we can help you decide when the right age is to spay or neuter your pet. 


Both require incisions.

Whether you’re spaying or neutering a cat or a dog, both procedures will require incisions and both will require recovery. A spay removes the ovaries and uterus of a cat or dog and a neuter removes the testicles. 


Spaying and neutering extend life expectancy.

Cats and dogs that have been spayed or neutered generally live longer. According to a study conducted by Banfield Pet Hospitals, neutered cats and dogs live between 18% and 62% longer than their non-neutered peers. 


It could save money in the long run.

Because spayed and neutered cats and dogs often avoid health problems later in life, the upfront cost of the procedure can actually save pet owners money in the long run — not to mention preserving the comfort and health of a dog or cat as he or she ages. 

Dr. Kelly’s Surgical Unit is a trusted veterinary team serving the Phoenix, Peoria and Tucson metro areas, with accessible locations in each market, offering affordable surgery, affordable spay and neuter procedures and affordable dental care for pets. Contact us to learn more about our affordable services and our accessible appointments.  

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